Package net.fabricmc.fabric.api.biome.v1


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public class BiomeModification
Experimental feature, may be removed or changed without further notice.
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public interface BiomeModificationContext
Allows Biome properties to be modified.
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public final class BiomeModifications
Provides an API to modify Biomes after they have been loaded and before they are used in the World.
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public interface BiomeSelectionContext
Context given to a biome selector for deciding whether it applies to a biome or not.
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public final class BiomeSelectors
Provides several convenient biome selectors that can be used with BiomeModifications.
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public enum ModificationPhase
To achieve a predictable order for biome modifiers, and to aid with mod compatibility, modifiers need to declare the phase in which they will be applied.
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public final class NetherBiomes
API that exposes the internals of Minecraft's nether biome code.
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public final class OverworldBiomes
API that exposes some internals of the minecraft default biome source for the overworld.
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public enum OverworldClimate
Represents the climates of biomes on the overworld continents.
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public final class TheEndBiomes
API that exposes some internals of the minecraft default biome source for The End.