Package net.fabricmc.fabric.impl.tool.attribute.handlers

Implementation handlers of the fabric tool attribute module.


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public class ModdedToolsModdedBlocksToolHandler implements ToolManagerImpl.ToolHandler
This handler handles items that are an subclass of DynamicAttributeTool by comparing their mining level using getMiningLevel and the block mining level.
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public class ModdedToolsVanillaBlocksToolHandler implements ToolManagerImpl.ToolHandler
This handler handles items that are a subclass of DynamicAttributeTool by using the vanilla isEffectiveOn with a custom fake tool material to use the mining level from getMiningLevel.
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public class ShearsVanillaBlocksToolHandler implements ToolManagerImpl.ToolHandler
This handler handles items that are registered in the SHEARS by using the vanilla isEffectiveOn using the vanilla shears or the item itself if the item is a subclass of ShearsItem.
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public class VanillaToolsModdedBlocksToolHandler implements ToolManagerImpl.ToolHandler
This handler handles items that are not a subclass of DynamicAttributeTool by comparing their mining level using getMiningLevel and the block mining level.