
public class MixinWeightedBakedModel implements FabricBakedModel


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void emitBlockQuads(BlockRenderView blockView, BlockState state, BlockPos pos, Supplier<Random> randomSupplier, RenderContext context)
This method will be called during chunk rebuilds to generate both the static anddynamic portions of a block model when the model implements this interface and isVanillaAdapter returns false.
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void emitItemQuads(ItemStack stack, Supplier<Random> randomSupplier, RenderContext context)
This method will be called during item rendering to generate both the static anddynamic portions of an item model when the model implements this interface and isVanillaAdapter returns false.
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boolean isVanillaAdapter()
When true, signals renderer this producer is implemented through getQuads.Also means the model does not rely on any non-vanilla features.Allows the renderer to optimize or route vanilla models through the unmodified vanilla pipeline if desired.


jvm source
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