Package net.fabricmc.fabric.api.event.registry


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public interface DynamicRegistrySetupCallback
This event gets triggered when a new DynamicRegistryManager gets created, but before it gets filled.
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public final class FabricRegistryBuilder<T, R extends MutableRegistry<T>>
Used to create custom registries, with specified registry attributes.
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public enum RegistryAttribute
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public interface RegistryAttributeHolder
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public interface RegistryEntryAddedCallback<T>
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public interface RegistryEntryRemovedCallback<T>
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public interface RegistryIdRemapCallback<T>
The remapping process functions as follows:
  • RegistryEntryRemovedCallbacks are called to remove any objects culled in the process, with the old numeric ID.
  • RegistryIdRemapCallback is emitted to allow remapping the IDs of objects still present.
  • RegistryEntryAddedCallbacks are called to add any objects added in the process, with the new numeric ID.
RegistryIdRemapCallback is called on every remapping operation, if you want to do your own processing in one swoop (say, rebuild the ID map from scratch).